Feliz Natal e Bom Ano Novo...
24 dezembro 2011
22 dezembro 2011
18 dezembro 2011
28 novembro 2011
10 novembro 2011
09 novembro 2011
05 novembro 2011
04 novembro 2011
03 novembro 2011
02 novembro 2011
31 outubro 2011
DarknessSounds #04 presents: Halloween / Samhain / Dia das Bruxas
Halloween / Samhain / Dia
das Bruxas
Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Third Harvest,
Samana, Day of the Dead, Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), Vigil of Saman,
Shadowfest (Strega), and Samhuinn. Also known as All Hallow's Eve, (that day
actually falls on November 7th), and Martinmas (that is celebrated November
11th), Samhain is now generally considered the Witch's New Year.
Samhain is the third
and final harvest, the harvest of meat. The Old King is dead, and the Crone
Goddess mourns him greatly during the next six weeks.
sun is at its lowest point on the horizon as measured by the ancient standing
stones of Britain and Ireland, the reason the Celts chose this sabbat rather
than Yule as their new year. To the ancient Celts, this holiday divided the
year into two seasons, Winter and Summer. Samhain is the day on which the
Celtic New Year and winter begin together, so it is a time for both beginnings
and endings. It is a time to study the Dark Mysteries and honor the Dark Mother
and the Dark Father, symbolized by the Crone and her aged Consort.
It is also the day we
honor our dead. Now, while the veil between the worlds is thinnest, those who
have died in the past year and those who are to be reincarnated pass through.
The doors of the sidhe-mounds are open, and neither human nor faery need any
magickal passwords to come and go. Our ancestors, the blessed dead, are more
accessible, more approachable during the time of the dying of the land. Samhain
is a day to commune with the dead and a celebration of the eternal cycle of
the "Feast of the Dead" was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving
food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the "wandering dead".
Today a lot of practitioners still carry out that tradition. Single candles
were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved
ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the
unseen guest. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were
lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and
carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and
chaos. The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans.
Traveling after dark was was not advised. People dressed in white (like
ghosts), wore disguises made of straw, or dressed as the opposite gender in
order to fool the Nature spirits.
was the time that the cattle and other livestock were slaughtered for eating in
the ensuing winter months. Any crops still in the field on Samhain were
considered taboo, and left as offerings to the Nature spirits. Bonfires were
built, (originally called bone-fires, for after feasting, the bones were thrown
in the fire as offerings for healthy and plentiful livestock in the New Year)
and stones were marked with peoples names. Then they were thrown into the fire,
to be retrieved in the morning. The condition of the retrieved stone foretold
of that person's fortune in the coming year. Hearth fires were also lit from
the village bonfire to ensure unity, and the ashes were spread over the
harvested fields to protect and bless the land.
Symbolism of Samhain:
Third Harvest, the Dark Mysteries, Rebirth through Death.
Symbols of Samhain:
Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns, Besoms.
Herbs of Samhain:
Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak leaves, Sage
and Straw.
Foods of Samhain:
Turnips, Apples, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry.
Incense of Samhain:
Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg.
Colors of Samhain:
Black, Orange, White, Silver, Gold.
Stones of Samhain:
All Black Stones, preferably jet or obsidian.
Divination at
Samhain was a significant time for divination, perhaps even more
so than May or Midsummer’s Eve, because this was the chief of the three Spirit
Nights. Divination customs and games frequently featured apples and nuts from
the recent harvest, and candles played an important part in adding atmosphere
to the mysteries. In Scotland, a child born at Samhain was said to be gifted
with an ½ shealladh, “The Two Sights” commonly known as
“second sight,” or clairvoyance.
Apple Magic
At the heart of the Celtic Otherworld grows an apple tree whose fruit has
magical properties. Old sagas tell of heroes crossing the western sea to find
this wondrous country, known in Ireland as Emhain Abhlach, (Evan
Avlach) and in Britain, Avalon. At Samhain, the apple harvest is in,
and old hearthside games, such as apple-bobbing, called apple-dookin’ in
Scotland, reflect the journey across water to obtain the magic apple.
Dookin' for Apples
Place a large tub, preferably wooden, on the floor, and half fill it with
water. Tumble in plenty of apples, and have one person stir them around
vigorously with a long wooden spoon or rod of hazel, ash or any other sacred
Each player takes their turn kneeling on the floor, trying to
capture the apples with their teeth as they go bobbing around. Each gets three
tries before the next person has a go. Best to wear old clothes for this one,
and have a roaring fire nearby so you can dry off while eating your prize!
If you do manage to capture an apple, you might want to keep it for a
divination ritual, such as this one:
The Apple and the Mirror
Before the stroke of midnight, sit in front of a mirror in a room lit only by
one candle or the moon. Go into the silence, and ask a question. Cut the apple
into nine pieces. With your back to the mirror, eat eight of the pieces, then
throw the ninth over your left shoulder. Turn your head to look over the same
shoulder, and you will see and in image or symbol in the mirror that will tell
you your answer.
(When you look in the mirror, let your focus go
"soft," and allow the patterns made by the moon or candlelight and
shadows to suggest forms, symbols and other dreamlike images that speak to your
Dreaming Stones
Go to a boundary stream and with closed eyes, take from the water three stones
between middle finger and thumb, saying these words as each is
I will lift
the stone
As Mary lifted it
for her Son,
For substance,
virtue, and strength;
May this stone be
in my hand
Till I reach my
journey’s end.
(Scots Gaelic)
mise chlach,
Mar a thog Moire da
Air bhr�gh, air
bhuaidh, ‘s air neart;
Gun robh a chlachsa
am dh�rn,
Gus an ruig mi mo
cheann uidhe.
Carry them home carefully and place them under your pillow. That
night, ask for a dream that will give you guidance or a solution to a problem,
and the stones will bring it for you.
The Story of Jack-O-Lantern
Jack was a handsome man, big and strong, equal in prowess both
in battle and in bed. He had many friends, and many a young lass pined after
It so happened once, when Jack was in the midst of a battle,
laying low the foes of his tribe, that he suddenly saw a wondrous vision. A
woman, beautiful beyond his wildest dreams, dark of hair and eye, and with skin
as pale as virgin snow, riding a flaming chariot, spear in hand, and a raven on
each shoulder.
As the chariot drew close, the woman spoke to Jack.
"Come with me," she said, "for I love Thee, and
would have Thee with me for all time."
But Jack was frightened, for he recognized the woman for what
She was. "I don't want to go with Thee," he answered in a shaking
voice, "I know Thee - Thou art the Morrighan, the Chooser of the Slain,
and I am not ready to die."
Bright sparked the eyes of the Goddess in pride and anger, and
She wheeled her chariot and was gone from Jack's vision.
But as he stood there, frozen in awe, an enemy warrior struck
him a great sword blow across the face. Jack did not die from his wound, but
his face was forever ruined, and the lasses that pined after him before, now
ran from him in fear. And so Jack did not marry.
Time passed. Jack learned the art of a harper, and became known
across the land for his beautiful melodies, for though he could not sing, his
hands were skilled and gentle on the strings, and his lilting tunes brought
both joy and sadness to the heart.
It so happened once, that when Jack was travelling, he stopped
at an Inn on the crossroads. He was served his dinner by a beautiful
middle-aged woman, full of figure, with dark, all-knowing eyes, and raven
tresses braided in a crown around her pale face.
When Jack got into his wagon, and was ready to travel on, this
same woman, wearing a dark cloak, stepped from the shadow of a nearest tree.
"Do not travel further, Jack," she said in a husky
voice, "Come with me instead, for I love Thee, and I would have Thee with
me for all time."
But Jack was frightened, for he recognized the woman for what
She was. "I don't want to go with Thee," he answered in a shaking
voice, "I know Thee - Thou art the Morrighan, the Fantom Queen, and I am
not ready to die."
Bright sparked the eyes of the Goddess in pride and anger, and
She whirled around, her dark cloak flaring around her like the wing of a raven,
and disappeared into the shadow.
Jack continued on, but not half a mile along the road his horses
spooked and ran wild, his wagon overturned, and he was gravely wounded when he
fell out and was caught under the wheel. He did not die, but he lost his arm,
and could play his harp no more after that.
Time passed. Though Jack was never again a warrior or a harper,
his family, his kin, cared kindly for him. But everyone grows old, and in time,
his brothers got old, and his sisters got old, and the younger generation no
longer cared for him as well as his own siblings.
It so happened once, that right after his last brother's death,
Jack was crossing a small river at a ford. It was late Autumn, and he paused on
the bank to take off his shoes and socks, and roll up his breaches before
wading into the almost-freezing water. Then, when he looked up again, he
noticed something strange. Where the bank he was on was still red and gold with
Autumn leaves, the other bank was white with snow, which lay in a thick
blanket, as if it had been there for weeks. Amidst the snows, behind the dark
shapes of old, gnarled trees, he saw a village, half-hidden in the mist. Warm,
golden light shined from the windows of the houses that seemed familiar and
welcoming to him. In front of one the houses he thought he saw his dead brother
wave and fade into the gathering gloom. He also noticed an old woman on the
other side, crouched by the water, and covered in dark, shapeless rags. She
seemed to be washing something in the river, and her arms were red up to the
elbows, and where she touched the water, the river ran red as blood. To his
horror, Jack noticed that what she was washing looked very much like his own
best embroidered tunic that he was wearing for his brother's funeral. The old
woman looked up, and her face was as white as snow and deeply lined, with grey
wisps of hair framing it like a halo, and deeply sunken black eyes that seemed
like the pits of the night.
"Cross the river, and come to me, Jack," she said in a
harsh, raspy voice, "for I love Thee, and I would have Thee with me for
all time."
But Jack was frightened, for he recognized the woman for what
She was. "I don't want to go with Thee," he answered in a shaking
voice, "I know Thee - Thou art the Morrigan, the Hag, the Washer at the
Ford, and I am not ready to die."
Suddenly, where before there was an old woman, The Great Queen
stood in all Her Otherworldly majesty, the dark rags magically transforming
into the dark wings of a raven.
"Thou art a fool, Jack!" She raged, as her black
tresses flew wildly around Her face, and her eyes flamed like stars at
midnight. "Thrice thy time came, and thrice I offered thee my love, for I
had chosen thee as a wife would choose a husband. Thou could have been a young
warrior at my side. Thou could have woven songs of splendor at my feast. Thou
could have lived with me in peace and with thy family about thee. And thrice
you rejected me out of fear. Now I reject thee. Never more shall I come to
thee. Never more shall I call to thee. But by my curse thou shalt live for as
long as this candle burns."
She reached across the river - it seemed easy now, for She was
more then human - and placed a candle on the ground at Jack's feet. Then she
was gone, snow and the misty village disappearing with Her, leaving nothing but
an Autumn forest behind.
At first, Jack was terrified. The candle was small - surely it
would burn down and die within minutes, and Jack along with it. But as minutes
passed, he felt great relief, for not a drop of wax rolled down the side of the
candle, and it did not seem to be burning down at all.
Carefully guarding the flame of the candle, Jack went home.
Time passed. Year after year, rolling in unending cycles.
Everyone whom Jack had known as a young man had long since passed away. No one
was left who even knew who he was, and in his small village he was just treated
as a crazy old man, a burden on everyone, and a helper to none, for while he
lived on and on, he also got older and older, and weaker and weaker, and even
his mind started giving out after awhile. After a very long time, all he knew
was that he had to keep his candle burning, lest he die.
His house fell into ruin, his field went untended, and all that
would grow there were some turnips that his neighbors planted for him out of
kindness. One night, a lightening bolt struck his house, and it burned down.
Jack then took one of the turnips from his field, carved it into a lantern, and
put his candle there, so that it would be protected from the rain.
He left his village and started wondering about with his
lantern, looking and calling to friends and family long gone. His body grew
older and older, until even his flesh disappeared, leaving only a spirit
without physical substance. He hardly even noticed, for even as a spirit he
still could not pass to the Other World, wondering this one with his lantern, a
sad and lonely ghost, forever cursed from his fate by his fear.
And that is why turnip lanterns - now pumpkin lanterns - are
called Jack-o-lanterns, and that is why we light them on Samhain - to remember
Jack and his great fear, and to light the way for all the lost souls wondering
about in the darkness looking for the passage to the Otherworld.
Happy Halloween
Good Celebration of the Samhain
24 outubro 2011
E o pintinho piu... e o pintinho piu
esta não me sai da cabeça... é pior que a do "de manhã eu vou ao paum"...
23 outubro 2011
secas sequinhas
O que e que acontece quando dois bandidos caem ao mar? – Uma onda de crime.
Para que serve a mulher de um panado? – Pa nada!
Qual a semelhança entre um cardeal e a farinha? R: Ambos podem ser papa!
Boa tarde. São 14h em Portugal Continental, menos uma hora nos Açores e menos uns milhões na Madeira.
Sabes qual é o animal mais perigoso da selva? Não é o leão… – É o Pintam! Porque o leão nao é tao mau como o pintam!
O que é pior que o 11 de Setembro? R: O 11 do Sporting.
Para que serve a mulher de um panado? – Pa nada!
Qual a semelhança entre um cardeal e a farinha? R: Ambos podem ser papa!
Boa tarde. São 14h em Portugal Continental, menos uma hora nos Açores e menos uns milhões na Madeira.
Sabes qual é o animal mais perigoso da selva? Não é o leão… – É o Pintam! Porque o leão nao é tao mau como o pintam!
O que é pior que o 11 de Setembro? R: O 11 do Sporting.
22 outubro 2011
18 outubro 2011
DarknessSounds #03 presents: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta AKA “LADY GAGA”
"Put your Paws Up, Little Monsters"
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (Nova Iorque, 28 de março de 1986), mais
conhecida pelo nome artístico Lady Gaga, é uma cantora,compositora e produtora
musical dos Estados Unidos, considerada uma
das 25 pessoas mais influentes e uma das 5 pessoas mais bem remuneradas do
Lady Gaga é inspirada por artistas e grupos
de glam rock como David Bowie e Queen, além de cantores de música pop como Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Elton John, Madonna, Grace Jones e Michael Jackson. Ela também declarou que a moda é uma fonte de
inspiração para a sua composição e apresentações.
Foi listada como a 73ª Artista da Década
2000—10 pela Billboard. Em maio de
2010, a revista Time incluiu-a na sua lista anual das 100 pessoas mais influentes
do ano no mundo, a Time 100. Com dados de 2011, ela já vendeu 24,1 milhões de
álbuns (The Fame - 13 milhões; The Fame Monster - 6,3 milhões; The Remix - 800
mil; Born This Way - 4 milhões) e 51 milhões de singles mundialmente.
A Forbes colocou-a na
quarta posição na sua lista das 100 Mais Poderosas e Influentes celebridades no
mundo. Mais tarde a Forbes colocou Gaga no número sete em sua lista anual das 100
Mulheres Mais Poderosas do Mundo. Gaga foi eleita a artista do ano pelas boas
vendas de The Fame e The Fame Monster, a The Monster Ball Tour foi eleita a
quarta maior turnê de 2010, com público total de 1,3 milhão.
Lança The Fame
Monster, um extended play de oito canções
que retratavam o lado sombrio da fama,
experimentado por ela no percurso de 2008-09, enquanto viajava pelo mundo e são
expressas através de uma metáfora de monstros. A sua
segunda turnê, a The Monster Ball Tour, foi anunciada em apoio a ele e começou em novembro de 2009.
Em outubro de 2010, a cantora tornou-se a
primeira artista a obter mais de um bilhão de visualizações de seus vídeos no Youtube.
O segundo studio album de Gaga foi lançado em 23 de Maio de 2011, Born This Way:
"a marriage of electronic music with major [...] metal
or rock 'n' roll, pop, anthemic style melodies with really sledge-hammering
dance beats" and referred to as an album "about what what keeps us up
at night and what makes us afraid"
refere aos seus fãs como "little monsters" e fez uma tatuagem com esta
inscrição em homenagem. Fez outras seis conhecidas tatuagens, dentre elas
um símbolo da paz, que foi inspirado em John Lennon,
que ela disse ser o seu herói, e uma inscrição ondulada em alemão no seu braço
esquerdo que cita o poeta Rainer Maria Rilke, seu filósofo favorito, comentando que a
sua "filosofia de solidão" falava com ela.
“Prüfen Sie, ob er in
der tiefsten Stelle Ihres
Herzens seine Wurzeln ausstreckt, gestehenSie sich ein, ob Sie sterben müßten, wenn es Ihnenversagt würde zu schreiben. Muss ich schreiben?”
Rainer Maria
"Confess to
yourself in the deepest hour of the night whether you would have to die if you
were forbidden to write. Dig deep into your heart, where the answer spreads its
roots in your being, and ask yourself solemnly, Must I write?"
Rainer Maria Rilke
Gaga atribui muito pelo seu sucesso inicial
como uma artista popular aos seus fãs gays e é considerada um ícone gay ascendente.
Depois que The Fame foi lançado, ela revelou que a canção "Poker Face"
é sobre a sua bissexualidade.
Em setembro de 2010, falou em
uma reunião em favor de repelir a política militar dos Estados Unidos, "Don't
ask, don't tell", que proíbe lésbicas, gays e pessoas
bissexuais de servirem no exercito estando fora do armário, e lançou um
vídeo estimulando os seus fãs a contactarem os seus senadores em apoio a
impedir a política.
O sucesso representado por Lady Gaga levou a prestigiada Universidade da Carolina do Sul a idealizar um curso com o título de
"Lady Gaga e a Sociologia da Fama". O programa tenta explicar a
crescente popularidade global da artista. Além disto, o
curso, organizado pelo professor Deflem Mathieu, pretende revelar algumas das
dimensões sociológicas relevantes na fama que a cantora alcançou.
Em 2010, Lady
Gaga posou para a capa da revista Q,
cobrindo os seios com apenas uma das mãos e
fazendo topless. Por conta
disso, a publicação mensal da revista foi retirada das bancas e livrarias dos Estados
Unidos sendo considerada ofensiva.
A cantora também foi alvo de noticiários ao vestir-se com um
vestido feito de carne crua, durante a premiação dos MTV Video Music Awards. Comentando:
"If we don't stand up for what we believe in and if
we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights
as the meat on our own bones."
of Gaga
O Haus of
Gaga é a equipa criativa pessoal
da cantora pop Lady Gaga,
que é responsável por grande parte de seu estilo distinto. O Haus of Gaga cria a maioria das roupas, adereços, cenários e maquilhagem para performances ao vivo de Gaga e outras
representações visuais de sua obra, bem como peças individuais que representam
artisticamente o estilo e temas enfatizados por Gaga. Estas criações são
reunidas em combinação com outras criações e sompara
criar uma colecção completa de vídeos musicais e outras aparições.
das mais famosas peças da Haus é o "Disco Stick" (uma vara longa com
uma cúpula acrílica que emite luz) e "Óculos de LCD do iPod" (um par de
óculos com duas telas do iPod Classic em vez de lentes).
entrevistas e através de sua arte, Lady Gaga revelou o seu respeito pelo trabalho do
artista pop Andy Warhol,
especificamente por sua capacidade de elevar a arte pop. Warhol disse que
"arte deve ser significativa, da maneira mais superficial", GaGa
explicou em uma entrevista.
“Ele era
capaz de fazer arte comercial, que foi levada a sério como arte ... que é o que
eu também estou a fazer .”
Gaga usa o
Haus para imitar seu ídolo, que tinha um famoso estúdio na Cidade de Nova Iorque, The Factory. "Nesta industria, você terá
um monte de estilistas e produtores atirando se a si, mas esta é a minha própria equipa
criativa, com base no Factory de Warhol [...] Como eu faço música e
performances que são instigantes, frescas e futurísticas? Nós decidimos o que é
bom, e se as ideias são poderosas o suficiente, podemos convencer o mundo que é
Official Videoclips:
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